Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mexicans rally nationwide against crime - Americas-

Mexicans rally nationwide against crime - Americas- "Wave of protests follow Mexico's crime spike
Activists plan marches in every state, testing Calderon's presidency"

Associated Press
updated 8:08 p.m. PT, Sat., Aug. 30, 2008

For this I say Good, its about damned time. Stand up for yourselves and say enough is enough! The change for the nation cannot come from the outside, no matter the shucking off of bad to or taking of good from. The change is for you to deal with what you have and make what you have better. From what I know of Mexico which may be very little, it is a proud nation. Drug kingpins and Cartells are not the one I really want to imagine of Mexico nor one of slum run down toxic dump of chemical and human life. I was mentioning to Pablo the other day about an article related to traffic and from there I think I remember him asking or stating rather that we had an awesome form of transportation in the world. I accept the fact that we have a lot of stuff that is better than most of the world, but my comment back as I pointed towards an image on the computer of an intersection of steel, rubber, toxic compounds of Hydrocarbons and petrolium based products and our own carbon based life form thrown into that mix. That as soon as I accept traffic like that to be the norm, than I am no better than that. Still pointing towards the massive amounts of backed up traffic I belive in India or some other Asian metropolis. I am better than that Pablo and I hope that we all realize that we are better than that. That is why I choose to work and live here, because I don't want to accept traffic and living conditions like that.

Ending my little introspective political rant that I really didn't want to get on but did :) Damn you Mexico and your braveness of finally standing up and saying Enough!! I applaud you!! I raise a glas of Negra Modello to you and now try to get my own sheeple to start thinking about enough is enough over in their own Front yards.

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