Monday, June 30, 2008

Science Thoughts for the day.

So trying to keep up with Brother Mattbear, I'll try to post a little bit more frequently and throw out a thought that has gotten me for the day.

Today we start out by Jeff opening up with thoughts about the LHC in Europe and the impending world doom that will accompany it.

Wow, Ok totally off topic. While I was trying to find my article for you all for the LHC, I ran across this at CNN.

Where to store wind-powered energy? Under water!

So this spun me off to thinking. Why don't we do this with the CO2 that we are all so dreadfully worried about? Some scientist say that if you pump CO2 down to the bottom of the ocean, the pressure and low temperature will turn this to a liquid. So, how bout we scrub as much as we can out of the air, from factories, from a collection unit in a vehicle. Have CO2 centers where you pay a carbon tax that has been brought up by politicians where people/companies/governments can recycle their carbon waste. Pump it down into collection chambers in the ocean so we don't crap all over that as well. Well, more than we have already done. North Pacific Gyre anyone?

Anyway. I'll have to find my article about the LHC at a later time cause Blade 3 is calling me to watch... or at least have on in the background.

Music of the night:

Chopin Prelude in D-flat major op.28-15

Or if you need something a bit faster:)

Thank you PABLO!!

LP out!!

Oh.. Here is the fast one;)

Fairly safe for work:) Unless you work at the vatican.

1 comment:

Mattbear said...

Ummm...because then, we'd just be polluting the bottom of the ocean instead of the sky?