Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Common Sense Isn't...

Ok, so I'm gonna dive right into this one cause I am pretty sure you will all want to take a shower after this article.

Court: Wisconsin law bans sex with dead bodies
The ruling comes after 3 men were accused of trying to dig up body for sex

HOLY Shit. Really folks, do we actually have to go as far as a dead person can't give consent? I mean, WOW are you that far gone that you have to stop and think. Gee would "insert dead persons name here" really give me consent to ravage them one last time on this mortal realm?

For Fucks Sake!! YOU Mr. or Mrs. Sicko have lost it and 10 years in prison isn't what you need. You have just won an all paid trip to the Psych Ward for the rest of your natural life because obviously you have just lost all concept of common sense. Now the parents of these individuals should be tossed in the county pen for a month or so just out of principle cause if you failed to see this coming up with your kid, then you have NOT been paying attention and this is the lightest sentence that might beat some of this common sense stuff into you.

Ugh.. just Ugh...

Ok.. now to jump off of that rant, here is something hopefully to take your mind off of things;)

1 comment:

Wiwille said...

My god.

Nice use of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang